
Since the bully and her minions haven’t deleted any of their vile trash posts about me and the bully still has that pinned tweet up about me, I don’t feel bad at all for writing a book about the terrible people she and her minions truly are. Since they won’t go away may as well make a few $$$ from stories about bullies who think their shit don’t stink.

Everyone on Twitter and her readers may think the sun shines out of her ass when it really doesn’t. I don’t need to write about the troll to get subscribers. I have plenty of more meaningful stories I can write about to gain subscribers without needing to stoop to M. Lauryl Lewis’ level of using tragedies and pity sales for followers. Since she won’t go away and since she won’t take down her garbage posts about me, so be it.

I’ve already published a short story version of the bullies and their minions and gave it out for free. I didn’t promo it here because I know the losers are going to give me a one star review on it like they do every story I publish that they know of.

I’m going to start charging for longer stories. Since it’s so short and only 5 pages I gave it out for free. 🙂

I already got 3 downloads and haven’t advertised it anywhere, woohoo.

Like I keep telling the losers, I don’t really care what they’re saying about me in the troll’s post comments and posts.

The only reason the trolls still have their Twitter accounts is because I’m not wasting my time reporting them. – They’ll sign up for a new name, anyway and keep harassing me.

I decided to focus more on writing my stories rather than wasting my time reporting immature trolls. They’d sign up for a new name and keep doing what they do. They’ll never go away so there’s no point to report them.

They think somehow giving me fake one star reviews will get them to become more successful than me, LOL. The only thing they did with their fake one star reviews was give me more subscribers. They’re so self-absorbed that they don’t realize no one cares about their pathetic drama and people still subscribe to me and read my stories and they couldn’t care less what those trolls are saying about me.

Even I don’t care what those losers are saying about me. I’m just wondering why they spend so much time talking shit about me when I couldn’t care less if they dislike me or not? They’re losers with too much time on their hands that’s why they have time to harass other authors while other people are working and writing stories.

I decided to make another pen name to post just my stories and not about their drama. I hated losing my readers from my other name, but it’s refreshing being able to finally write in peace without people harassing me and lying about harassing me.

They claim they’re justified in their treatment toward me because they’re threatened by my success so they think somehow taking away and discrediting my success is going to make them more successful than me? LOLOLOL.

The only thing they’re doing is gaining me more subscribers on my new name that isn’t surrounded by their drama. Their lies have no affect on any of my names since they’re cowards who only screen shot me and don’t tag my Twitter page, anyway.

They’re so unprofessional and it’s disgusting how other authors in the #writingcommunity aren’t calling them out for their immature behaviors. They think it’s “normal” for trolls to screen shot every single bio, tweet, and header I’ve ever made and they find nothing wrong with that troll’s maniplative, conniving behaviors. They also find nothing wrong with her slandering my dog’s death.

What is wrong with these pathetic people? Would they like it if someone was attacking their pet that died? No? Then why do they think it’s okay for this monster to use my pet’s death to gain followers to her page?

Wow, I wish these minions who defend the big bully would get a dose of their own medicine to see how they like it if no one has their back and everyone befriends the bully and doesn’t stick up for them. Funny thing is, no one cares enough about these bullies to give them a dose of their own medicine.

The way I beat these trolls is by writing my stories and gaining even more subscribers than before in an even shorter time than last.

— That’s how you beat trolls who act like their shit don’t stink. —


I feel sorry for Shrek’s husband – he’ll never make her happy.

I feel sorry for Shrek’s husband how he bought all these new kitchen appliances for her and even made a nice home for her and Shrek is a jealous bitter psychopath because she’s not successful in writing and she hates anyone who earned their writing reviews. She doesn’t have to work so she has the time time to sit her ugly fat ass on the Internet and attack and slander my dog all day.

My dog that died doesn’t deserve to be lied about just because my dog is associated with me. That ugly troll has no boundaries and will attack anything in my life to get me to respond because it’s associated with me.

I think it’s poetic justice how she’ll never be successful the way she hopes in her writing. I tried reporting her Twitter account but because she doesn’t tag my Twitter page, Twitter Support won’t take down her slander posts about my dog. I just have to find my own form of justice.

I guess it’s a sign that her Twitter page will never get taken down because she’ll go even more ape shit if she lost her precious account of 2,500+ followers that took her 6+ years to build. When I first had my old blog, I had 600 subscribers in 6 months. It took her 6+ years full time to get the followers she has and she has to go out of her way to find followers because no one will just follow her for her shitty zombie stories.

She uses her tragedies to get people to follow her page and she acts like a victim. It’s so unprofessional. We wouldn’t talk about our personal tragedies at an actual office to bosses we see, so why should I put up with a troll who constantly airs her dirty laundry for pity sales and followers?

Nah, I’m calling that witch out for her unprofessionalism. She gives real authors a bad name.


As of today, the bully and her minions are still gossiping about me in the bully’s post comments. They’re truly subhumans. I don’t even think they’re real people. I don’t get how someone can sit here and deliberately lie about me and have the audacity to call ME the liar. I don’t lie, especially about drama. I especially don’t lie about loser disgusting wannabe authors.

The few screen shots I have of the bully reveals her crazy and what I’m talking about. I predict everything she is going to do before she does it and she does what I say she will do and yet people still suck up and kiss ass to her. I wonder if the psychos defending the bully would like it if the bully was smearing them and nobody had their backs if the bully was attacking them and not me??

What’s more disgusting are the psychotic minions of the bullies who believe that the bully is the victim when she clearly thrives off the drama. She could easily ignore me and yet she has screen shots about me plastered all over her page as if she wants my attention. She even has a pinned tweet about me, but apparently she’s the victim – not the drama queen.

And when I respond they claim I’m harassing her? Of course, I’m going to respond to people who are talking about me and people who are talking about stuff that has nothing to do with them. The psycho bully posted tweets of mine from 2015 about someone I was kind of dating then. Not sure why she does that and her minions find nothing wrong with her erratic behaviors and they still believe she’s the victim even though she instigated me by posting tweets of mine from 2015…but you know what, the sad sacks still believe her and when I give her a dose of her own medicine they think she’s the victim when she manipulates my responses.

They weren’t here when it all went down and actually you can even see that the bully is the one who is bullying and harassing me when she calls me a dog killer – clear lies and yet her minions see nothing wrong with her calling me a dog killer. These people are fucked in the head and they all deserve each other. They’re sickos, psychos and pathetic.

They can spread their lies about me all over Twitter and Reddit. The one place where they don’t get to harass me is my blog and I’m in control here of what gets approved in the comments.